Saturday, November 8, 2008


I am, at this exact moment, getting multiple types of exercise.

Yes... I have gone from being anti-physical activity to trying to find a form of exercise in regular every day activities.... such as taking the long way around the machines at work for an extra walk, dancing the night away at the bar (and trying not to lose any clothing) and... bloggercising.

Right now I am working my arm muscles, riding an exercise bike (5 mies is the plan) and... blogging.

"How in the hell are you managing that," you may ask.

I am on a recumbent styled exercise bike, for starters. This leaves my lap area open... perfect for a laptop computer. Or not... It is extremely hard to type on a laptop that is bouncing n my lap with each pedal. This is where the arm workout comes in.

I'm actually holding the laptop with one arm while typing with my free hand. I have to switch arms frequently... I am not sure how heavy the laptop is, but I am willing to bet that it is heavier than and most certainly more awkward than the three pound barbells I have been lifting.

Bloggercising exercises my mind... and body.

I have already ridden four and a half miles without even thinking about it! Pretty sweet deal, if you ask me.

I've also been sending text messages.
If text messaging counted as exercise, I could be considered a thumb-fitness enthusiast. Unfortunately, such dedication to conditioning my favorite opposable digits will likely result in multiple carpal tunnel surgeries later down the road.

I have to admit, it is certainly not nearly as hard to take 35 minutes or so out of my day to ride 5 miles on the bike and do my other exercising. Today was day 4 for exercising, and it's already getting easier. I can do 7 push ups before I have to stop to breathe! I am still feeling the burn every time I laugh, cough or move any inch of my body... But as I start to feel healthier and begin to see chages (yes, it will take time) I know I'll find the pain to be worth it.

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