Sunday, November 30, 2008

Nonsensical Insomnia

I've said before that I don't understand why my son (and all children) fight sleep so hard.

This can't possibly be true, because I, too, fight sleep all the time.

I do completely understand fighting sleep. It seems there is always something that keeps me awake.

There are things to be done... Fun to be had... time to actually be alone. Thoughts to be pondered, considerations to be made, things that simply keep me from that subconscious slumberland that allows my body to rest and regenerate.

I live on naps.

Thirty minutes here, a few hours there.. I can go days on end only getting a short cat nap here and there... and then I crash. One entire day is wasted while my body plays catch up. I guess I would rather lose one whole day once a week rather than a half a day every day.

Or maybe it's just that I work nights so my internal clock is screwed beyond all measure. I don't know.

But I can't sleep. And that's just the way it is.

And I can't write either.
I am still sick.... and it has been over two weeks now.
My energy and creativity levels, it seems, have been completely drained...

Unfortunately, my sinuses haven't.

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