Sunday, December 21, 2008

coffee junkie

My mother has turned me into a coffee junkie.

When I wake up in the morning, she usually has a fresh pot made. Sometimes she'll bring me a cup doctored up just the way I like it (three splendas a dash of milk) before I'm even out of bed.

I'm addicted to McDonald's caramel iced coffee. Sometimes I go through the drive through just for the coffee.

At work, I make my own chocolate iced coffee with a cup of coffee, chocolate milk and ice. I've gotten some funny looks, but I've also gotten a couple of people to try it for themselves.

Yesterday, after picking Kade up from his dad's, we went to McDonald's for breakfast on the road before a long day of shopping.

I ordered my usual caramel iced coffee and Kaden got chocolate milk. Unfortunately, that little carton of chocolate just isn't enough. We were in an area with no gas station and Kaden wanted more to drink NOW. So I decided what the hell... I took his empty sippy cup and poured half of my iced coffee into it. I handed him his cup and in the middle of a big gulp I asked him "Is it good?"
When he finally pulled the cup away from his mouth he looked at me and said "I LIKE IT!" And put the cup back to his mouth.

Seems I'm turning my own son into a coffee junkie a little early. lol

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