Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dinah, won't you blow your horn?

'Tis the season for colds and runny noses.

Though Kade is only 3 years old, he can pretty much tell you when he needs a kleenex... which is pretty much constantly. He is a snotty kid, and that's all there is to it. Granted, he does pick his boogers... and sometimes I catch him with snot strung all across his face, but when he sneezes, he knows his nose needs wiped. He's a good little nose blower, too, even when his little sniffer is sore and red from blowing it so much.

So, if my three year old can blow his nose, why is it that the 16 year old sitting behind me can't blow his? No, I'm actually not talking about Aaron, this time it's one of his buddies... The one that I've fondly come to refer to as the "family dog." He eats the leftovers, drinks out of bowls (no joke) and is most often the culprit if you're missing a shoe or your underwear.... And now the constant sniffing... ugh.

I would think that it would be less work to get up and get a kleenex than it would be to continually suck your snot back up, swallow it (he's obviously not getting up to spit it out) and restart the whole process every freaking 30 seconds.

That's just gross... but it's exactly what he's doing. Sniffing the snot back into his nose, instead of blowing it out... sucking it into his throat... and then swallowing it!


Maybe if I wave a ball in front of his face (here boy!) and toss it across the room into a box of tissues (go get it!), he'll fetch it (Good boy!!) and actually get the friggen point?

Probably not....

Sure, you can teach an old dog new tricks... but you can't teach a teenager anything.

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