Thursday, November 19, 2009

Making a splash

Early in the year, my parents and I "upgraded" our cell phones. My dad signed another contract with AT&T, and the three of us drooled over the displays of fancy gidgets, gadgets, and widgets that we didn't have any idea how to use.

My mom specifically wanted a camera phone. She ended up picking out a basic flip phone in a pretty pink color. Dad chose the same model in a more masculine hue.
I had been waiting on the upgrade for quite some time, and after doing some research (not very extensive research) I had decided on the new LG Vu.

It didn't take long for my parents to get bored with their basic models, and they both exchanged their new cells for the Vu as well.

Since then, we've had nothing but trouble with them. All three of our phones have been sent in to be replaced at least once. From not being able to access the mobile web, problems receiving texts, to battery issues and a seriously annoying lack of signal, we've fondly come to refer to our phones as "pieces of crap."

I was expecting my mom to show up at the house at any time this morning, when I received a phone call from her on her home phone. I was confused, as she had just sent me a text that said she was on her way.

Mom is a heavy coffee drinker... and heavy coffee drinkers pee just about as often as pregnant women. Before coming over to see her grandsons this morning, she decided to empty her bladder at home one more time (I can't blame her, she's read what I've blogged about our potty issues here).

Apparently her "piece of crap" cell phone was in her back pocket. When she pulled down her jeans, the LG Vu fell out of her back pocket, and directly into the toilet.


I'm sure she'll murder me for blogging about it, but I just can't help it.
I've had many close calls myself, and dropping the phone in the stool has been one of my fears for a long time now.

We're hoping she'll be able to get a new phone out of the insurance - We know that it doesn't cover water damage... but the contract doesn't mention urine damage.

1 comment:

  1. LOL this post just made my night!
    Way to go Debby!!! LOL
    Shouldn't have had that last cup of coffee!! haha
