Friday, October 10, 2008

Driving me crazy

I absolutely hate driving.

With that said, I would almost guarantee that anyone who has ever been my passenger would tell you they hate for me to drive as well.
I went through the "behind the wheel" section of Drivers Ed. twice, and was only a few months shy
of turning 17 before I was finally given my drivers' license. I even had to take the driven test at the DMV twice... I didn't stop even with stop sigs, zoomed through a yellow light as it was turning red, and had the lady giving me the test reaching for the "Oh shit!" handles. Unfortunately, there were none, so she resorted to shouting "Oh shit!" instead.

I love walking out into the parking lot after exiting a store. I can't count how many times I've come out to see people staring at the gaping hole in the side of my car.

Yes, there's a hole in my car.

While trying to roll up my (crank) window on the passenger side (while driving) I veered a bit to the right (ok a lot) and hit the curb... and hit a sign. The fiberglass that my car is made of (Saturn.. gotta love it) was frozen, and therefore shattered. Oh yeah, that incident also took off a hubcap, and the passenger side mirror. It's a beautiful sight.

It's pretty safe to say I'm a horrible driver. You will never hear me say, "I wanna drive!" I think it is a big responsibility. I don't like being in control of such a potentially lethal weapon.

When I was in school, there was talk of the legal driving age being risen to 18. At the time, I was pissed. Instead of raising the legal driving age, they made a law that students cannot have more than one passenger in the car with them driving alone for the first 6 months, unless it's a sibling.
I really think this did nothing.

Reasoning was that new drivers would be less likely to try and "show off," but all this did was put more young, inexperienced drivers on the road. I would be all for the legal driving age being risen to 18, except for students who are working, in which case they should be allowed to drive themselves to and from work only.

Give them a driving permit and let them drive with supervision for 3 years. I know I used to do things behind the wheel that were blatantly stupid. i.e. driving 90 down a hilly country road, trying to see how high you could get your car off the ground. Passing friends when it's completely unsafe, just to say you passed them. Cranking music so loud you can't hear traffic outside.

I know some adults do things just like this now, and texting behind the wheel is another big one, but at least those adults are grown up enough to know better. Who decided that at 16 students were old and mature enough to handle a vehicle, while other laws are basically saying they are not even old and mature enough to handle their own mind?

You must be 18 years old to vote for who you think should run your country. But you only have to be 16 to be put in sole responsibility of a 10,000+ pound potential death trap. Where does that make sense?

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