Thursday, October 16, 2008

Knock Out

Today I had my first experience with anesthesia.

I went in to have an upper GI scope done, after working from 7pm last night to 7am this morning. I slept at home before we left. I slept on the way to the hospital. I slept while waiting to be given the anesthesia. Basically, I was already sound asleep before they gave me the drugs.

The last thing I remember was having the oxygen tubes wrapped around my face and stuck up my nostrils. I'm not even sure if it was the drugs that put me to sleep first.

While they shoved their little camera-tube down my throat, I slept soundly in more ways than one.

My parents can tell you just how hard it is to wake me up from a normal sleep....
From banging on my bedroom door repeatedly, yelling at me, and eventually stealing my covers, my parents used to have a hell of a time waking me up to get ready for school in the mornings.
I can only imagine the trouble the nurses must have went through while trying to wake me up today, seeing as they had to wake me up twice!

At 10:00 I went to fill out paperwork and get my IV started. I went in to be knocked out at 11:00. They said the procedure would take 5-10 minutes, and it was about 1:30 by the time
we were leaving the hospital.

So, yeah, it took me a while to wake up, and I really don't remember any of it.

I'm left wondering what the hell I said as I was waking up, because my mother asked me,

"So when did you kiss a girl?"


I just hope, for my mother's sake, that I didn't mention anything else...

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