Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tongue Tied

Have you ever watched a toddler learn a new trick?

My son experimenting with his newfound independence has got to be one of the most interesting and hilarious things I have ever seen. Whether it's putting on a pair of pants by himself, scooping up broccoli on his fork, or walking down a few stairs, he insists on doing things on his own.

Somewhere in his two years of existence, he's learned to concentrate with his tongue.

I swear, this little boy couldn't do half of the things that he does if he didn't have a tongue - he uses it for everything.

When he's climbing up onto the couch or his Kaden-sized recliner, he pokes that little tongue out, deep in concentration.

When he's building a "waffle-block" city (or playing Kadenzilla tearing it apart) that little muscle in his mouth gets quite a workout.

While attemtping to put his own pants on, just like a puppy, he's got that tongue hanging out.

Grandma Debby has been attempting to teach him to jump - and I have to admit, I'm scared to death of what might happen when he finally figures it out.

This is only the beginning stages. He is only two, and I know I have a good 16 years of him experimenting with his independence.

Right now, watching him stick that tongue out to concentrate, I can sit back and think "Aww, how cute..."

It's hard to think that one of these days I'll undoubtedly see him sticking out that tongue as he's concentrating on calculus and my only response will be...

"When the hell did you get that thing pierced!?!?"

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