Friday, October 24, 2008

Is the tank half empty, or half full?

A truly amazing thing has happened, and I only just noticed it.

The gas tank in my car is not empty....

The first miracle was being able to fill my gas tank from E until the clicker stopped for only $33. I drive a Saturn, and my gas tank is not that big, but I rarely ever fill the thing because of the soaring gas prices. I had just got paid so I was feeling rich, and gas prices had dropped, so I filled up.

Tomorrow will be two weeks since I filled that tank up. My gas tank, to my surprise, is half full.... Or is it half empty?

How the hell did that happen? I'm shocked and amazed.

And kinda bummed, because it's obvious that the reason why I have more gas in my car than usual is because I haven't been using it. I've been a total homebody the last two weeks.

Then again, if your last two attempts to be social went as poorly as mine did.... You'd probably stay at home for the rest of your life, too. So yeah. In this case, I think the tank is half empty.

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