Saturday, October 24, 2009

Battle of the sexes

Being a woman completely and totally sucks.

It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the hormones. Quite understandably, mine have been completely out of control lately... and I keep thinking thank God I only have a few weeks left of this... but in reality - it never ends.

When I finally have this baby and finish dealing with all of these crazy pregnancy hormones, I'm going to have to deal with postpartum hormones, And God only knows how long that will last.

When that's all over with, there are the "that time of the month" hormones. Fantastic.

And it doesn't even end there. Later, we women get to experience the magic of menopausal hormones... These are the hormones that cause women to sweat more (and grow more facial hair) than a teenage boy.

There is no end in sight. The hormones will always be there, just at different times and in different qualities.

Some may argue that men are worse off than women, because a woman's issues come once a month, while men tend to have erections multiple times a day...
But I think it would be a lot easier for a man to hide a rise in his pants than for a woman to hide a hormonal meltdown, complete with make-up streaked cheeks, puffy eyes and the sniffles.

More proof to my point -
There are multiple advertisements on TV for pills that can help cause or enhance an erection, but none to cure it... Where as there are multiple advertisements for pills that cure the symptoms that ail women on a monthly basis... and there's just no market for a little blue pill that causes a woman to turn into a sappy, crabby, cranky, moody, bitch....

If there was, I could make a fortune bottling and selling my own hormones right now. =/

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