Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A bittersweet ramble

As much as I have groaned and complained about this pregnancy (especially nearing the end of it) I am honestly having some mixed feelings about only having 3 weeks left.

I've been going through all Kade's old baby clothes, getting things washed up. We (Steve) set up the crib this afternoon, and wheeled the bassinet into the living room... And I got a lot of my pre-pregnancy clothes out of storage and hung up in my closet.

Ah, yes, normal clothes. I nearly cried as I put jeans on hangers that actually don't have a stretchy waist band. I daydreamed of wearing shirts again that I haven't even seen since March.
Yes, I've been pregnant before.... I am well aware that my body won't just shrink back to it's normal size as soon as this little guy is born... but I am staying optimistic and hoping that it isn't too long before I can wear a tight chested, cleavage baring blouse and a pair of blue jeans that my butt doesn't get lost in.

Yes, it will definitely be nice to have my body and wardrobe back.
It'll be nice to do the dishes without inevitably getting my belly in the dishwater....
To eat a meal without having to worry about heartburn... To not have a pair of tiny feet semi-permanently lodged into my ribs... to not constantly have the urge to pee.
It'll even be nice to bend over and pick dirty, crusty boy socks up off the living room floor without difficulty (not that that was an easy task to begin with).

And it will undoubtedly be amazing to finally hold this little baby in my arms.

But as much of a relief as it will be to no longer be pregnant, yes, I am going to miss it.

I'll miss feeling those precious little baby kicks from the inside. I'll miss laying on the couch, watching in amazement as my unborn child causes my belly to ripple with just one hiccup. I'll miss using heartburn as an excuse to eat all the ice cream I want... And not having to worry about my figure.
I'll miss being the only one that gets to hold him, and I admit it, I'll miss the extra attention and sympathy I'm getting right now.

I'm also very nervous about having a newborn again. He is so much easier to take care of right now than he will be in 3 weeks.

I guess I really don't know where I'm going with this, just letting out these mixed emotions. I've been back and forth for a few weeks now on whether or not I'm actually ready to get this over with.

These additional hormones are definitely something I am not going to miss!

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