Sunday, October 18, 2009

I think I broke my funny bone.

When I first started this blog this time last year, I had great expectations.
I imagined a throng of fans, people all over the world just waiting at their computer for my next blog, because they were that anxious to read about the quirky new habit my son picked up, my latest weekend out, or whatever random thing crossed my mind.

In reality, the only people reading my blog were people that were already my friends on Myspace.


I guess on the bright side, I was getting comments and replies about how much my friends and family enjoyed reading my blogs and how funny I was, but it just wasn't enough. I got discouraged, and I was ready to give up. I couldn't think of funny things to write about anymore... things in my life just didn't seem interesting enough for me to expect people to take 7 minutes to sit down and read about them. The blogging tapered off, and eventually stopped completely. You can see from the archive on this blog, I haven't written since January.

It was about the time that my blogging became less frequent that I also met Steve.
I guess I could blame him for my not blogging, but that wouldn't be very fair! Especially considering he's asked me on multiple occasions why I don't blog anymore. He has also told me once or twice that I've lost my sense of humor - Mind you, he came to this conclusion based solely on the fact that I don't laugh at things on TV that crack him up, and I don't always get his jokes....

But what if he's right? What if I've lost my sense of humor? What if I'm not funny anymore? I have almost been afraid to start blogging again because of this. I have read through some of the things I wrote last year, and not to brag on myself, but yes... I was funny (part of the time). There are clever little quips that I've re-read multiple times simply because I can't believe those were my words. I am definitely not that funny anymore.

Hopefully I'm just a little out of practice, and after a few boring blogs (like this one) I'll find my niche again.... And hopefully, you don't give up on me before then =/

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,

    I feel your pain, but I don't think it's a broken funny bone... That's still intact! More likely, it's just a slightly bruised ego. Been there, done that. Why spend your time crafting an entertaining story for people to read, and not get "paid" for it? Even a negative comment is better than being completely ignored! Just ask any three year old! A simple "ROFLMAO" will do! How long does that take?

