Thursday, October 29, 2009

4 days.

I had my 38 week appointment this morning.
It started out as they usually do - I peed in a cup and weighed myself, then the nurse took my blood pressure. I reported the results of my weigh-in (I'm up to about ten pounds total gained, now) and she recorded my pee test results in my chart (Yes, it's still positive). She went on about how close I'm getting, and my little belly.

Then she did something not so routine...

She warned me that my doctor is going to be out of town next week.

Oh God. Are you kidding me? My doctor is skipping town |thisclose| to my due date? Is that even legal? You've already given me a due date of Friday the 13th... I don't need any more bad luck! My doctor cannot leave town!

Well, it's not like I won't have a doctor there to deliver the baby if I do happen to go into labor while my doctor is out of town... The office is shared by two doctors - If one is busy or gone, the other doctor will fill in.

Now, I haven't met the other doctor yet, but she delivered my friend Michelle's youngest daughter.

Oh yeah, this other doctor also dated the father of the baby she could potentially be delivering. Granted, it was before I was even born... but wow... can you say awkward?

On with the appointment...
The nurse took me back to see the doctor, who did the typical normal stuff there... we listened to the baby's heartbeat and she measured my belly (which came in about 6 weeks smaller than it should be). She asked about my sleep (still not getting any), my heartburn (still constant), my bladder (yep, it's overworked) and my poop (not giving you details on that one).

Then she explained she would be out of town next week.

Yep. Got that. Which means that my appointment next week will be with the other doctor - Steve's old high school girlfriend. Fun times.

Then she did something really out of the ordinary.

She mentioned the "I" word... "induction." If I don't go into labor during the week that she is gone, my doctor wants to induce labor the day she comes back... Which is 4 days before my due date.

4 days.

Which means I went from having 15 days left, to only having 11. On the bright side, I won't be having a baby on Friday the 13th.... Instead, I will be getting my butt to the hospital at 6am on Monday, November 9th.

For some reason, this makes me incredibly nervous. As if the big belly and all the feet in my ribs wasn't enough of a reminder, it's like....

This is it...
It's scheduled...
No turning back now...

I'm having a baby.

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